The Ki ® by Leonora Anne Weston is a framework and body of knowledge of 42 responses to power.

It is how you interact with challenges, opportunities and authority on the ground.

Your Ki responses - affect sex, relationships, work, politics and identity.

If you don’t understand the Ki - you don’t understand the world.

Leonora Anne Weston MA (UCL)

Author & International expert in Power Dynamics and Dominance Studies

What is the Ki ?

The Ki ® (pronounced Key) is a completely original framework which isolates the 42 responses to power.

It is the culmination of 15 years of Weston’s research, study and field work as an acclaimed International expert in Dominance studies.

The Chart of The Ki ® 42 Responses to Power is used as:

  • A Map for navigating power responses

  • A Power Hierarchy diagram (correctly rendered as a rhombus)

  • An Elemental Chart of identifying power responses; grouped by properties.


  • Learn the 42 responses to power to be able to identify your moves and others.

  • Understand how and why people act as they do in response to power, challenge, opportunity and threat.

  • Gain consciousness to choose your own Ki moves.

  • Learn how your relationship and sex life are expressions of your Ki responses and desires.

  • Benefit your relationships and learn how to get the best out of yourself and your colleagues, managers, employees, clients, friends, partners and family.

The Ki ® is the Key to understanding power dynamics.

The Colours of The Ki ®

Gold & Purple - Higher power responses

Red - Dominance responses

Orange - Contrary responses

Pink - Favourable responses

Grey - Freeze response

Green - Run purpose responses

Blue - Surrender responses

Black and White - Beyond responses

English version of The Ki ®

Client and student testimonials

“Leonora Anne is an engaging & generous teacher. I felt both challenged and held during the course - its depth and breadth has given me many pathways I can now choose to walk down, along with an awesome community I feel supported by! If you’re thinking about taking this course, of course follow your truth, but I promise this teaching is second to none.”

Sarah - Business Owner

“Leonora Anne is a wonderful teacher who presents the material in a structured/academic yet approachable manner. It's clear that she has multi-faceted real-life experience and she's obviously invested serious thought into developing and delivering the course. Anne is an engaging speaker and I found all of the course materials (both core and supplemental) to be very informative. This course is well worth the investment of money and time necessary to be an active participant in your own learning. I can't wait to take another of her courses!”

Alejandra - Executive

As someone that grew up with a lot of CAS [Childhood Apraxia of Speech], my brain was hard-wired in the wrong and I struggled to understand boundaries and consent. Leonora Anne’s course has helped me to learn how to create a safe space for others and set the bar of expectations for myself. I can say no. My limits matter. If people do not meet those expectations, they are not worth my time. Since doing her course I have fled the DV [Domestic Violence] I was in for 9 years. Leonora Anne is intelligent, wise, cheeky and kind. She will encourage you to step into your own power as it means to you. Her prices are fair when considering all the knowledge gained in the courses. Would 100% recommend.” 

Anonymous - Student

“As someone who’s usually the smartest in the boardroom, Leonora your intelligence and insight astonish me. Your intellect is at genius level. Your approach and knowledge is completely unique and incredibly valuable. This Ki work of yours is the future.

I will be recommending you highly to my close friends - but not to my competitors. 😉

Mark - Director of Sales

“I loved the course and it far exceeded my expectations. Leonora Anne has a strong background of knowledge which uniquely traces back through history. She also has so many years of experience in different countries and her anecdotes were great and so fascinating and insightful. My favourite part was probably the insight into psychologies, and this has been so helpful. I recognize these in the world-at-large, and deal with people differently because of her teachings. I plan to do more courses with her. Thank you Leonora Anne.” 

Anonymous - Student

“Leonora Anne is endowed with the keys to knowledge, and whoever studies with her knows her unique capacity of entering the depth of the psyche and coming out with meaning that has clarity and structure that is supported by profound research. Her unique combination of intellect, powerful femininity and mystical spirituality makes her the most important and influential mentor that I had, and she had contributed greatly to my work as an artist and as a coach for women."

Milica - Artist & Women’s Coach